Rules for student evaluation

The evaluation of the course consists of: 2 individual midterms (each worth 25% of the final grade), a final team project (50%), with an individual grade after an oral presentation and discussion. Each midterm has a minimum grade of 8/20 and the average of the midterms must be at least 10/20, after rounding. Any student may me called to an oral discussion to replace de tests / exam component.

Final grade formula:
Final_Grade = 25% Test1 + 25% Test2 + 50% Project

Course approval requires the following minimal grades:
(mean (Test1; Test2) >= 10) AND
(Project >= 10)

Students approved in the project and not approved in the tests may also do a final exam, and the resulting grade replaces the grades of the tests in the final grade formula.

The tests and exam will be in person, with the possibility of consulting only one help sheet provided by the teachers.